Basic Guelph Roof Maintenance

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Whether because there was a premature roof failure or a windstorm damaged it, every year many homeowners replace their roof. That’s why Guelph roofing professionals recommend doing an in-depth inspection on your roof at least once a year. A preventive maintenance program is as simple as a checklist of scheduled roof inspections and whatever corrective actions are taken. The goal is to keep roof repair costs under control and maximize the life expectancy of your roofing system.

What goes into a Preventive Roofing Program?

As mentioned above, the goal is to maximize protection for your roof and home while keeping overall costs low. The essential elements of preventive roofing maintenance are:

Visual Inspections: Performing a regular visual inspection is important to help determine the current state of the roof membrane and flashings.

Defect Detection: Regular checks to find any defects that should lead to immediate repairs. This will prevent moisture from entering your roofing system and your home.

Non-Destructive Moisture Assessment: This type of assessment is performed to detect if moisture has infiltrated into the roofing system.

By hiring an expert roofing contractor in Guelph like Empire Roofing and Exteriors, you get the benefit of independent inspections from roofers who work with authentic materials and professional standards, which leads to increasing your roof’s durability.

Guelph Roof Maintenance Checklist

A roof inspection checklist will help you find and prevent long-term damage. The following is a basic list of steps to follow every six months to 2 years to make sure any issues appearing on your roofing system are caught before they become a larger problem.

  • Review the interior of your home, look at walls for water damage
  • Check your roof’s surface
  • Check for Roof Cleanliness
  • Clean Your Gutters
  • Check for Flashings
  • Keep Masonry & Metal in Mint Condition
  • Maintain Rooftop Equipment. Look at:
    • Air conditioning, vents and ductwork
    • Skylights
    • Satellite dishes/antennas
    • Solar panels

Important: Conduct inspections right after severe weather

A strong wind storm, like the ones we regularly get in Guelph and Cambridge, can have all sorts of lasting damaging effects on your roofing system. This is why it is important to always check your roof for damage after severe weather such as high winds, heavy rains, hailstorms, etc.

We recommend using professional roofing contractors in Guelph. A professional roofer will be able to detect any issues, make repairs as needed and ensure your roof is in good condition.

Empire Roofing & Exteriors Provides Quality Care and Deep Inspections for Your Roof

Keep the guesswork out of your inspection and maintenance program. Get regular check-ups done by our experienced roofing professionals.

Some severe weather damage qualifies for insurance coverage, Empire Roofing’s unique and detailed inspection process makes processing your claim easier.

If you want a roof inspection or think your roof may have been damaged during recent severe weather, contact us to book your time.