Reasons to Avoid DIY Roof Repairs

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When considering roof repair, you may have been tempted to save some money and take care of your roof repair on your own. No matter how many home improvement shows or DIY YouTube videos you watch, you are always better off hiring a licensed professional roofing contractor. In today’s blog, we outline some of the many reasons to avoid DIY roofing projects.

Risk of Injury

Roof repair is a dangerous task if proper safety precautions are not put in place. Roofing projects involve climbing a ladder and performing repairs at heights that require training or experience. Without the proper equipment and training to work up on a roof at heights, homeowners put their safety at risk. You can easily get injured while on your roof and there have been sad and tragic instances where people have died from DIY roofing accidents and falling from heights. A lot of things can potentially go wrong on your roof which is why roofing professionals are trained to work safely at heights and use proper safety equipment. Professional roofing contractors will also have insurance policies to protect against the unexpected. When it comes to roofing repairs and projects, it is always better to not put yourself at risk, and use a professional.

There is More to Roofing than Meets the Eye

You may think that you have enough knowledge to repair your roof and that it is a good idea to minimize cost, but we urge you to reconsider. There is more to the job than simply climbing up to your roof and replacing some loose shingles. Roofers dedicate years to developing their craft and skills, so unless you have worked as a roofer before and have gained extensive experience doing it, a DIY roof repair is not a good choice. You may lack the technical knowledge and experience needed when working with roofing systems to understand what materials and tools to use. A professional roofing company will also be able to better calculate cost versus performance of materials because they have experience working with many different products. At Empire Roofing & Exteriors, our team can also spot red flags that you would not notice about your roof and are trained to problem solve any complex install issues that we come across. While some issues (like missing or loose shingles) are relatively easy to spot, there can often be more underlying issues (like weakened areas of the roof deck or leaks) that go unnoticed to the untrained eye. Missing these underlying problems means you are less likely to perform an effective roof repair and can actually harm your roof even more. No matter how confident you are in your roofing abilities, it is always a good idea to seek help from a professional team because an improper roof installation will decrease the lifespan of your roof and cost you more money with necessary future rework.

Danger of Harming Your Home

On top of the risk of injury, DIY roof repairs also put your roof and entire home at risk of damage. Your roof is a vital component of your roofing system, which is the key part of your home that keeps the elements and water out. When water issues arise through the roof, many larger issues impact the rest of your home. Getting into valley areas are particularly dangerous to perform DIY repairs.  One little mistake in the repair can lead to thousands of dollars of repairs in water damage.  Improper water flow is one of the most damaging threats to your home’s overall health and can lead to roof leaks, water pooling in attics, allowing ice dams in and flooding basements in the winter, foundational issues and harmful moulds that are followed by a myriad of health risks. Incorrect installation can actually make the damage worse and may even lead to premature roof replacement.

If you modify or cause damage to your roof, you also most likely void your current roof’s warranty. Most roofing warranties state that any damage caused by improper installation or modification of any kind will be sure to void your warranty. Your warranty provider will be able to differentiate your DIY roof repair job from that of the work they performed. This means that if you have to hire a contractor to do future rework on your roof, your repairs will not be covered. Hiring a professional roofing company will help you avoid these risks and save you money in the long run.

Reduced Resale Value

If you plan on eventually selling your home, DIY roofing repairs can actually reduce your resale value. Potential buyers will be wary of roofs that were not professionally installed by a professional roofing company.  Inspectors are brought in to catch issues just like these and will flag any unprofessional work to potential buyers. In the mind of buyers, this will land on a “to do” list and will be taken into consideration when making an offer.  On top of potentially voiding your roof’s warranty when attempting to repair your roof on your own, manufacturers will also void their material warranties in the case of DIY roof repairs.

Empire Roofing and Exteriors is your best choice for Roofing Repairs in Guelph, Cambridge & surrounding areas.

As a professional Guelph Roof Repair company, Empire Roofing & Exteriors will be there for you now and in the future. You can trust our local, reputable, and licensed roof repair and roof replacement services backed with decades of proven experience. All your roof repairs will be handled by our licensed and insured workers, all of which are carefully vetted and selected because of their commitment to quality and safety.

Let the roofing experts at Empire Roofing & Exteriors get your roof done the right way today by calling 519 265-ROOF (7663) or fill out our online quote form.

Don’t forget to ask us about our financing options as well through FinanceIt, the most powerful financing in the industry.