The 5 Most Common Causes of Roof Leaks

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If you keep getting bogged down by roofing issues, then you know that it can mean a great deal of investing time and money. No matter how old your roof is, you never know if it will need a quick repair or have significant work done. A roof leak is never a fun experience; not only does it cost time, but it also costs energy as well! To avoid any impending disasters and be able to address the issue in time, we have compiled five of the most common causes of roof leaks in the hopes of helping you avoid them as much as possible.

Roof leaks can cause significant damage to a home if the underlying cause isn’t discovered and repaired promptly. Since water can travel outward from the point where a leak occurs, it may be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause.

Here are the 5 Most Common Causes for Roof Leaks:

1. Broken Shingles

Weather can also wreak havoc on shingles. When shingles are broken, they are easy to identify. Since shingles are the outside layer on your roof, you can see if any are missing by discovering different-coloured patches. Also, after a major storm, you might find the shingles in your yard.

2. Broken Flashing

This one is less tangible if you are not intimate with your home, but it’s important nonetheless. Over time, the tarring used to secure it together underneath the shingles wears off. When a leak occurs, you should check the flashing at the source of the leak.

3. Condensation in the Attic

You can spot an attic leak if you notice mould and mildew growing in the space. The attic may also have a strong odour – if you smell anything musty, then it is likely that water has gotten inside. Since the attic is at the highest point in a home, it can get trapped between both indoor and outdoor temperatures. When they join together in extreme weather conditions, then condensation forms.

4. Using the Roof Too Much

There’s no way to determine if using the roof too much is the cause of the leak. Don’t take a chance and go out onto your roof too much – it could be dangerous. Materials for roofs are quite fragile, so you wouldn’t want to step on an already cracked seal or an essential roof element. Instead, don’t let your roof get worse, and hire a well-qualified roofing team that will protect your home and add value.

5. Clogged Gutters

Cleaning out your gutters is never a lot of fun, but nevertheless, it has to be done. There are a lot of tools that you can use to make it easier; a hose can do a lot of good to wash leaves and other things out of the gutter, or if you find a lot of it is getting stuck you can use a snake to get that stuff loose.

Empire Roofing and Exteriors is your best choice for Roofing Repairs in Guelph, Cambridge & nearby areas.

To get the best roofing care and to find out more about what you can do to reduce your risk of snow and ice accumulation this season, contact us today!  Get a professional Guelph Roof Repair company like Empire Roofing & Exteriors, trust our local and licensed roof repair services. By choosing a reputable roofing company like Empire Roofing & Exteriors, you will work with a local company with years of proven experience. We will be there for you now and in the future.

Let the roofing experts at Empire Roofing & Exteriors get your roof done the right way today by calling 519 265-ROOF (7663) or fill out our online quote form.

Don’t forget to ask us about our financing options as well through the most powerful financing in the industry through FinanceIt.

If you haven’t had time to prepare your roof or prefer a professional to do it, contact Empire Roofing & Exteriors today for a free estimate!